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Additional Codes

Software Test Code
Label Text APPAN
Label Text CAPPAN - Chemistry Portion of Panel

Performing Laboratory

NorDx Laboratories

Useful For

The detection of lupus anticoagulant in a patient with a prolonged PTT

Panel components:




Silica Screen

Silica Confirmation

DRVVT Screen

DRVVT Confirmation

Hematocrit (will be performed but not charged)

CAPPAN labeled specimens:

Cardiolipin Antibodies, IgG and IgM

Beta-2-Glycoprotein 1 Antibodies, IgG, and IgM


If lupus anticoagulant screen is abnormal, the following tests will be performed at an additional charge:

DRVVT Mixing Study

Silica Mixing Study

PTT using reagent more sensitive to factor deficiencies (Dade Actin FS)

Thrombin Time

Method Name

Automated Clot-Based Assay

Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)

Reference Values

An interpretive report will be issued.

Days and Times Test Performed

1 day weekly

(Usually Friday)

Report Available

14 Days

Specimen Type

Submit all of the following:

~ Plasma

~ Serum

~ Whole Blood

Preferred Container

Lavender Top Tube (EDTA)

Light Blue Top Tube (Sodium Citrate) – Collect 3 tubes – each must be full at time of collection.

Serum Separator Tube (SST)

Specimen Collection and Handling


Collect specimen as follows:

1. Draw blood in 3 light blue-top (3.2% sodium citrate) tube(s). Tube(s) must be full upon collection.

2. Separate plasma from cells within 4 hours of collection in a centrifuge at 2,500 rpm for 15 minutes or 3,000 rpm for 10 minutes.

3. Using a plastic transfer pipette (do not use a glass pipette) decant the plasma to a screw-capped, plastic (polypropylene) vial. Glass vials will not be accepted.

4. Spin the plasma again at 2,500 rpm for 15 minutes or 3,000 rpm for 10 minutes.

Note: Double spinning the specimen ensures platelet poor plasma (<10,000 uL)

5. Divide the plasma into as many 0.5-1.0 mL aliquots as possible and cap the vial(s) tightly.

6. Place tubes upright and freeze specimen(s) immediately at ≤ – 20º C.

7. Send specimen(s) FROZEN on dry ice.

Patients with a Hematocrit >55% will require recollection in a citrate-adjusted tube.

Coagulation Double Spin Process

Click here to view the Procedure for Collecting a Specimen from an A-line



1. Mix well, and send a minimum of 1mL of EDTA whole blood refrigerated.

2. To be used for a hematocrit that is run at no charge and will be non-reportable.

3. To be tested to rule out abnormal results due to a high hematocrit (> 55%).

4. If a high hematocrit is detected the client will be contacted to determine the need for a recollect in properly adjusted blue top tubes. A coagulation pathologist will assess this need with the client.



1. Spin specimen, separate from clot within 2 hours and send refrigerated in a screw-capped, plastic vial.

2. If specimen will not arrive within 2 days of draw, send specimen FROZEN in a plastic vial on dry ice.

Rejection Information

Underfilled (<90 %), clotted, or grossly hemolyzed samples

Specimen Stability Information

Specimen Type: Plasma

Room Temp: 4 Hours

Note: Whole blood that remains capped and unspun is stable for up to 4 hours when stored at room temperature (18 – 24°C). Frozen plasma is stable 2 weeks @ -20°C and 12 months @ -70°C. Blue top tubes for coag assays must not be refrigerated or placed on ice.

Specimen Type: Serum

Refrigerated: 48 Hours

Must be spun/separated within: 2 Hours

Specimen Type: Whole Blood

Refrigerated: 24 Hours

Add On Capable

Not Permitted

Advance Beneficiary Notice Requirements

This test, when ordered on Medicare patients, is subject to the National Coverage Determination (NCD) policies. Please verify that the diagnosis code (ICD code) you have chosen demonstrates medical necessity for the test as documented in the physician’s patient record. The CMS web site is available to assist you with this verification. A properly executed Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) must be submitted with the specimen if medical necessity is not demonstrated by the ICD code chosen.

CPT Code Information

CPT Code

CPT Description

CPT Disclaimer

84285 Assay of Silica, Quantitative  
84285 Assay of Silica, Quantitative if Indicated
84285-59 Assay of Silica, Quantitative  
85610 Prothrombin Time  
85613 Russell Viper Venom Time (Includes Venom); Diluted  
85635 Reptilase Test  
85670 Thrombin Time, Plasma  
85670 Thrombin Time, Plasma if Indicated
85730 Thromboplastin Time, Partial (PTT), Plasma or Whole Blood  
85730 Thromboplastin Time, Partial (PTT), Plasma or Whole Blood if Indicated
85732 Thromboplastin Time, Partial (PTT), Plasma Fractions, Each  
86146 Beta 2 Glycoprotein 1 Antibody, Each  
86147 Cardiolipin (Phospholipid) Antibody, Each Ig Class  

Acceptable Alternative Container(s)

Red Top Tube (can replace SST only)

Performing Laboratory Location

NorDx Laboratories